Revealing the Astonishing Enigma: The Mysterious “Spirit Child” Gai and His Uncanny Likeness to a Demon-like Visage.

A teenager from India, aged 16, who has tumors covering his face and body, constantly believes that he has been cursed by the gods.
Similar to the desires of typical 16-year-old boys, Mithun Chauhan always dreamt of three things: attending school, spending time with friends, and having a girlfriend.
However, due to suffering from an uncommon illness, he developed enlarged, swollen lumps on his body, preventing him from living a normal life.

Mithun spends most of his time confined to his home, as his swollen face causes fear and discomfort among the local residents. He sadly bears the nickname “devil boy” due to his appearance. This harsh reality doesn’t only affect his social interactions but also deprives him the opportunity to attend school, as other children often run away upon seeing him. Mithun contemplates his fate, wondering why the gods have chosen to punish him with such afflictions. These physical tumors have driven away his friends and left him feeling abandoned and unwanted. The consequences of his condition have created a life where playing with others or even taking a simple stroll around the neighborhood becomes an unattainable luxury.

“They labeled me as a phantom and hastily fled when they caught sight of me…
The gaze of their eyes terrifies me profoundly… I typically confine myself indoors during daylight hours to avoid encountering people.
Whenever women and children catch sight of my countenance, they hastily retreat, exclaiming, ‘Mother, Mother!’
The majority of my time is spent in solitude within the confines of my home. I lack companionship.
There is no one to engage in conversation with. I am uncertain which aspects of life hold the most value for me.”
Mithun expressed in a nervous tone.

In the meantime, his family residing in Nevada, India, has consistently maintained that the ulcers that spread all over his body appeared as a result of a doctor prescribing the incorrect medication to treat a painful mole when he was only five years old.
The swelling on his face became increasingly severe, causing great difficulty in eating, seeing, and breathing.
“After taking the medicine, Mithun’s face began to swell. The boy’s entire body turned red like copper,” explained his father, Ramji Chauhan.

Ramji and his neighbors were constantly worried and fearful that his son had been “cursed” by the gods, so they prayed daily and performed rituals in an attempt to heal him.
It wasn’t until he was taken to see Dr. Ashwini Dash that Mithun’s illness was finally discovered. The young boy was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of tumors along nerves throughout the body.
Unfortunately, there is no specific cure for the most severe cases of this disease. Currently, there are approximately 33,000 individuals worldwide who have been diagnosed with neurofibromatosis. However, doctors in India are optimistic about the possibility of curing Mithun’s condition.

to hear that my son has to go through multiple stages of surgery, which will cost at least 300,000 rupees,” revealed a caring doctor who chose to remain anonymous.
In addition, medical experts advised Ramji to seek more advanced medical facilities in Delhi or Mumbai for his son’s treatment. However, the sad reality was that he could barely afford to provide basic necessities for his family, let alone bear the financial burden of his son’s specialized medical care.
With a heavy heart, the devastated father expressed, “These circumstances have stolen away his childhood, and it brings me immense pain to witness this.”

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